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A warm welcome to our visitors! 

Our Bethany Lutheran family opens wide its doors and bids you a hearty welcome in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  It is our purpose to encourage and uplift each other in life and prepare souls for eternity by proclaiming Jesus Christ as the only Saviour from sin.  We consider it a special privilege to share the rich blessings of God's grace and love in Jesus.

Church Volunteer Calendar





Please keep our ministry in prayer.


Please keep in prayer those of our church family

who are ill.


Please keep those who are grieving in prayer.












Church services begin at 10:00 am Sunday mornings.


Videos of our church services

can be found on 

Bethany Lutheran

YouTube channel


our church's

sermon blog.


Morning Devotions
can be found on here.

(Live @ 9 a.m. T,W,Th)


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